DIABETES - an Introduction

A condition where Glucose cannot be used or converted by the body.

DIABETES is that ailment when Insulin, which is produced by our Pancreas, is defective or insufficient thereby failing to convert Glucose to energy. The Glucose, consequently, will stay in our blood stream instead of being utilized by our body. Over time, Glucose builds up to high amount in our blood, and in this condition you are considered as having DIABETES.

DIABETES can can cause damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart and may be life-threatening. The foot or legs may also incur damages.

There are tow types of DIABETES :

  • For High Blood Sugar or Hyperglycemia - excessive thirst, increased urination, fatigue, leg tingling, confusion, convulsion, or, in rare cases, coma
  • For Low Blood Sugar or Hypoglycemia - sweating, shakiness, hunger, dizziness, nausea, slurred speech, confusion and drowsiness
  • For Increased Blood Acids or Ketoacidosis - stomach pain, "sweet and fruity" breath, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and fever

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