Foods for DIABETES : Carrots

This is a powerhouse of a vegetable, nutritious, light, cheap and delicious. What more could you ask for. The vegetable's best nutrients are :
  • Beta-Carotene : Carrots are loaded with this antioxidant (it is #3 in Pinoycity's Vegetables : Vital Nutrients' Top Ten List of Beta-Carotene-rich Vegetables). You will be needing antioxidants because in dealing with Diabetes, you will need to beef up your body's protection against other ailments. 
  • Fiber : it has considerable amount of Fiber which helps in flushing Fat out of our body.
  • Vitamin A - aside from protecting your body, you will also benefit from Carrot's high level of Vitamin A (the #1 Vitamin A-rich Vegetable) giving you good Skin, Hair and Vision.
  • There are other Vital Nutrients you can get from a Carrot. To check click this Link.
So, Diabetics, load up with this wonderful and very common food.

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